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Lesson 1: The Korean Diaspora and Korean Americans
Video Resources

Arirang (Parts 1 and 2, each about 55 minutes)

Part 1: Korean American Journey and Part 2: The Korean American Dream (112 minutes) is a compelling and moving two-part documentary beginning with the journey of more than 7,000 Koreans from their homeland to new lives on the sugar plantations of Hawaii, and continuing with the dramatic renewal of migration to America as a result of the Korean War, and subsequent changes in U.S. immigration law. The film captures a segment of society that has risen from humble beginnings to national prominence, through their devotion to hard work and their community. Producer Tom Coffman has created a dramatic documentary that covers the background of political forces in Korea that drove immigrants overseas, their arrival in Hawaii 100 years ago, and work by political leaders in exile to restore sovereignty. Airang is available on Youtube, Amazon, and the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM).

Footsteps of Korean Americans (37 minutes)

This short documentary covers Korean American History and is a companion video to the textbook, "Korean Americans: A Concise History." The film tells untold stories about the first Koreatown USA and more.

Korean American Ethnic Studies Curriculum: Teaching Resource Materials for K-12 Classrooms
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